Managing your Day
+ Tips to Manage it w/ Self Care!
Mental Health- by definition is a state of awareness where a human being is recognizes their own abilities and can cope with stresses, while making a productive contribution to the community.
During this Pandemic, many people who had places to go and things to do with their time, realized quickly that they needed something to do with their now free time. Or, persons that escaped negative home lives to safe places with friends, now have to sit at home.
And your health, specifically, your Mental Health is degrading.
Personally, it was so hard to deal with the fact that I’d be home with the same people that I tried to avoid. Sure enough, they made it extra hard to stay sane. For those that simply need something to pass the time however, are also struggling. This past two months, I’ve been practicing a few things to pass the time and take care of my mental state.
Mental Health, in my opinion, should be a top priority for everyone, including Self Care. Because I’m sure if your phone battery were low, you’d immediately put it to charge, so why don’t you do the same with yourself? Human beings can’t function without taking some sort of break. Would you rather burn out weekly rather than take thirty minutes every few days to relax? Here's how you should go about your day, with some self care tips, to make it better.
Plan your day to day.
For example~
Wake up 7am
Wash Face
Do Yoga or Exercise
Plan Day
Practice Yoga or Exercise
Take ten to twenty minutes stretching or exercising in the morning or even before bed daily.
Drink lots of Water.
Water is over 60% of your body. So, you need to stay hydrated and when you sleep, you’re body is still working. So make sure to have two cups of water when you wake up, before you brush your teeth and after. Or after you’ve have breakfast. Stay hydrated throughout the day as well, drinking more than five cups of water.
Organize and Prepare.
If you have to clean up a part of your room to get motivated enough to work, do it. Then get ready as if you were heading to Sunday church or for a nine to five. It’s one of the best ways too get motivated quickly and stay motivated.
Pray and Listen to Boss Music.
Music is one of my favorite things and it can put me in different moods for different things. Listen to some boss music, like Beyoncé, Meghan Trainor, Nicki or even some Ari, to get yourself in good spirits.
But be sure to take at least five minutes before working to pray and thank your God for all that you have. If you aren’t religious, music is still a good way to keep motivated. *I’m listening to Ari while writing this, lol🥰👌
Here are some of the ways that have helped me during the Pandemic;
Texting Friends
Listening to Music, Podcasts, Audio-books
Writing out my thoughts
Taking a Walk
Cuddling your Pets
Doing Yoga
Exercising 3x weekly
Having a Journal or Planner
Play a Card/Board Game
Declutter your Environment
Watch something Funny
Have a cup of tea/coffee
Have some fruits
Play some Sudoku or Crosswords
Follow a Motivational Blog, Page or Account
Have some Fun on Pinterest