Toxic People, Ignorance And Mental Illness- A Terrible Concoction.
Hey bishes! Welcome back to today's new blog. This is part of my 'Thoughts' and will be addressing negative people and some mental illnesses. I guess, you could say that this will be a little serious. Also, please, I'm not a professional, but I do have first hand experience and have done so much research for these topics. I'll try to leave links for you guys to also delve deeper into this world. I've read blogs dealing with Toxicity within friendships and mental illnesses within those relationships. However, I'll be addressing it within the Family. I will begin with Family Members who obviously have some Mental Trauma, but because of toxic masculinity, religion and ignorance, leave it untreated.
Some, use their trauma as an excuse to hurt others. One of my closests friends, Mirah, has a Sister in Law, that came from a negative household, but instead, takes her anger and self hatred out on others around her, causing an obvious feud between the family. I won't go too much into to detail, but I've had my friend come over with her little sister, crying cause of the stress and pain that they experienced. And let me tell you, I hate seeing people cry, cause then I cry. It's all then a big crying fest while we try to comfort each other and look for a better future. Then, there's my sister, Nessa, my closest friend, who has the similar situation, a new family member by marriage, that makes life harder with their negativity. Personally, I live with toxic people as well. As far as I can tell and from what I've learned, It is obvious, due to their upbringing, that they have problems. Probably some Mental Issues, such as Depression. However, where I'm from, Mental Illnesses isn't even taken into consideration or treated. Since many of us are also from Religious households, families don't even care about the Psychological help.
Mental Illnesses are referred to as 'Demonic', thus parents go as far as exorcism to 'treat' or 'fix' their children. Further worsening the stress and level of the Mental Illness. Since the Parents themselves have no knowledge on Mental Health, so they either turn to Religion or suppress their problems and force their children to. Before I continue, having any Mental Illness, does not excuse a person for being bad. Suffering from trauma does not allow you to become a bully. I myself suffer from Anxiety, Depression and you don't see me taking my issues out on others. I know many people that have been through some horrid things, but they are kind, strong and amazing people. Toxic people are one of the worst, because they could be anyone and anywhere. Your work place, your love, your friends or worse, your family. It will be hard to point out who they are, or maybe you already have. Then, there's the next hard part; pulling off the bandage. If you're in a place that its easy to do, then do it now, before it gets harder and worse later. Yeet that bish away and have a good cry, you deserve it hun. If you're in a Toxic Relationship, and like us, and couldn't get escape, I urge you to use safe and fun methods to stay sane. Especially if you don't have the financial means to get professional help. I'm surrounded by Negativity and thankfully, I have my Mother, my closest friends and music to keep me going. My sister, my closest friends, they keep me right, so, if you have that one person, or a group, talk to each other and share whatever that's bothering. I can't go into how much that helps. We couldn't reach other physically, because we lived far, some of us, but I still mattered and it still worked. It felt better sharing your stresses and getting inspiration to keep pushing forward.
If you have found that Toxic Person/s, here's something I made to to show you.
Another point, your mental illnesses does not define you.
They are a part of you, and may be so forever, but it will get easier. I like to think, that our experience makes us stronger versions of what we would've been. In the end, it's up to you to choice what you'll do with your experiences. I know and have seen, that some are stronger than others, that we don't go through the same things, but that doesn't make you weak. To some extent, we can relate. I don't have all the answers, but my sisters may have been through something, I haven't, or my mother would lend words of wisdom from her longer years on this earth. So we share and we help, because we can relate on those little things and grow from it; makes us family. I would never wish what we went through on my worse enemy, but I'm still grateful that I made I through it. It has made me who I am and stronger. I know for a fact, that it may seem bleak at times. This world is already so fricking dark, but it can also be beautiful and brilliant. You choose what you make of it. You still have many things to experience and learn from, still have big things to accomplish. So promise me something, yes, I know cheesy. But, hey, it's something. Promise me that you won't give in. You have to know, that you are valid. Not matter what they say, you are extraordinary. Each of you are unique in your own ways and your Mental Health is just a war scar, a Badge of Honour, showing that you can survive anything that this dark world yeets at you.
There's nothing wrong with being different or "flawed", or being a victim- a survivor; a Warrior. So keep fighting for yourself, bish. Your "flaws" make you stand out and glow, like a beacon for others that needs your light's guidance. Please, keep on shining bright.